Poor Mojo's Almanac(k)
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Pieces by

Rant: Dear Mr. Brooks:An Open Letter to That Guy Who Wrote That Fucking Article in the Atlantic Monthly
Poetry: Chonchón at Night
Poetry: Gilt Mirrors
Poetry: Tractors I: Plough
Poetry: As the Body Emerged from the Sculptor's Cage
Poetry: Mary Celeste
Poetry: Patagonia Transcript
Poetry: A Document In Madness
Poetry: Mary Celeste(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: Patagonia Transcript (a Poor Mojo Classic)
Rant: Killing In The Land Of Make Believe
Poetry: April You
Rant: More Than Pikachus And Purple Hair: The Truth About Animé
Fiction: Killing Kittens: My Living Hell
Poetry: Learning to Play Dead
Poetry: The Other World
Fiction: College Life
Fiction: On Being Mugged by One's Own Emotions, a Fictional Memoir
Poetry: Happiness
Poetry: The Honorable Watson Remembers a Late-Day Lawn, a Student Post Meridiem
Rant: A Rebuttal for Johnny Retail
Fiction: Soup's On
Rant: A Guide to Charging the Mound;How to Win, No Matter What
Rant: A Letter to the Editors, in Celebration of PMjA Issue #200
Rant: The Blind Accordion Player
Rant: It Was Wet Outside And Everybody Was Carrying Heavy Things
Rant: Things on a Bridge
Rant: 756
Poetry: Forward Across the Sky
Poetry: Calisthenics
Fiction: They Think It Is Funny
Fiction: Snow
Fiction: The Driver
Fiction: The Blue Sweater
Fiction: The Acrobat
Fiction: And Then He Ate Her
Fiction: They Did Not Know Each Other
Fiction: South, Northsouth, Dude
Fiction: A Certain Message
Rant: Sarah's Field
Rant: Mother's Day
Rant: Reynolds and Me
Rant: Cousin Jake
Fiction: Always Be Closing
Poetry: We're Having Fun
Poetry: Crawl
Rant: The Giant Squid's Inaugural Address, Januarius 20, 2005
Rant: An E-Mail
Rant: Next to West Virginia
Fiction: Borrowed Time
Fiction: Blackberry Winter
Fiction: Bahama Lime
Fiction: A Discarded Spell
Rant: Revenge Cookies (The Poor Mojo's "The Best Recipe You'd Never Guess" Rant Contest WINNER!)
Rant: The Misunderstood Life of St. Barnaby Stylites
Fiction: Blue
Poetry: Mirrors
Fiction: Dreaming Moriarty
Fiction: Dreaming Moriarty(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: Switch
Poetry: Switch(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: Christmas Holiday
Rant: My Private Self-Help Guru
Rant: Some of Us Wonder
Rant: The Ordeal Of Change
Poetry: What I Want for Christmas
Rant: The Invention of the English
Rant: We Whistlers in the Graveyard
Rant: My Kid Sister Has Cancer
Rant: Feels Like I'm Fixing to Die
Rant: David Nelson is Dead
Rant: A Suicide Note In A Sewing Table
Rant: Thanksgiving & Dark Hungers: Flesh, Guns and Blood
Rant: The Half-Life of Shame
Rant: Yeats on New Orleans, from Beyond the Grave
Rant: Life and Death and Electromagnetic Radiation
Rant: Sinister Jokes as Koans
Rant: Three Signs Of The End Times
Rant: Briefly on What's Wrong with Gay Marriage
Rant: A Letter to the President: Malkovich Yoga Vindaloo
Rant: Your Data Is Fungible
Rant: Happy Quatro de Mayo!
Rant: The Audience is Listening
Rant: Six Strategies for Coping with Isolation
Rant: Hey, Baby
Rant: The Invention of the English(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: Direct Translations of Six Phrases I Used in Costa Rica
Rant: International Relations
Rant: Homewreckers
Rant: The Creepiest Film Ever Made
Rant: Six Choking Hazards You Never Imagined
Poetry: Shakespeare's Sonnet #130 on Acid
Poetry: Love Song of T. Alva Edison
Poetry: Doggerel for the Day After (An Electoral Elegy)
Fiction: The Tendency to Draw Together
Fiction: Another Locked Room
Fiction: 1K+1 Astral Nights: Prologue
Fiction: 1K+1 Astral Nights: Cycle 1, Packet 1
Fiction: 1K+1 Astral Nights: Cycle 1, Packet 2
Fiction: 1K+1 Astral Nights: Cycle 1, Packet 3
Fiction: 1K+1 Astral Nights: Cycle 1, Packet 4
Fiction: 1K+1 Astral Nights: Cycle 1, Packet 5
Fiction: 1K+1 Astral Nights: Cycle 1, Packet 6
Fiction: The Gingerbread Man
Fiction: Rejected Curios: Joe Louie Armstrong's "Valved Bugle"
Fiction: Another Locked Room(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: The Diamond as Big as the Ritz
Poetry: Do Not Disturb
Rant: Happy Holidays from the Carter Compound!
Rant: Happy Holidays from the Carter Compound!(a Poor Mojo's Xmas Classic)
Poetry: Beautiful Music
Fiction: Karma Fucks Back
Poetry: Crocuses Are Coming Up
Rant: The Word "White" (March 17, 1854)
Rant: Why Should A Colored Man Enlist? (April 1863)
Poetry: Beginning: A Palindrome
Poetry: Beginning: A Palindrome(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: Sondra's Night of Golden Memories (The Poor Mojo's Monstrously Bad Sex Rant Contest Runner-Up)
Rant: A Wasted Education And The Rest
Rant: Old School Tie Strangles the Professions
Rant: Why I Propose to Wrest Control of This "Almanac(k)" From it's Filthy, Simian Purveyors; How I shall Accomplish the Deed; and How You, the Fair Reader, shall Benefit
Rant: Why I Propose to Wrest Control of This "Almanac(k)" From it's Filthy, Simian Purveyors; How I shall Accomplish the Deed; and How You, the Fair Reader, shall Benefit
Fiction: Below the Falls
Rant: Imperial America Gets Bit in the Ass.
Rant: The Punk Rock Show
Rant: Punk Lyrics from the Unlikeliest of Places
Rant: Middle Age
Rant: The Bisexuality FAQ
Rant: The Bisexuality FAQ(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: Jack Kerouac's Grave
Rant: Prepare to Read my Awesomeness (A Poor Mojo's "Worst Possible Cover Letter" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Poetry: Mike From 27th & Misery
Fiction: Mike
Fiction: John's Dead Love
Rant: Role of The RED GLOW: A Choate Tale
Fiction: The Man Who Discovered GAY MAN
Rant: Maybe Insane Japanese Robot-Alien-Mythical-Monstrous Fuck Comics Have Got It Right
Fiction: The Errors of Santa Claus
Fiction: The Errors of Santa Claus
Fiction: Wannabe
Rant: Sometimes I Fool Around With A Dude Named Jose, But It's Ok Because My Girlfriend Does Too
Rant: I Would Have Obeyed Those Gods, Became a Dunce, and Joined the Confederacy
Rant: I Want a Ninja.
Rant: About The Game
Poetry: The Bride of Dracula's Gynecologist on Career Day
Poetry: Why Health Insurance Never Covers Her Vagina Dentata
Poetry: The Kama Sutra of the Kraken
Fiction: King Of Memory
Fiction: Mary This Way
Fiction: Friends, Other Half, Interior
Fiction: Philip
Fiction: Spark
Rant: Texas Board of Ed: Flintstones a Documentary
Poetry: HaIkullectIon
Fiction: A Joke Gone Too Far
Fiction: The Day Sherman Had his Hat Blocked
Fiction: Vampire Bananas
Fiction: How to Survive Madmen
Poetry: Friends' Bar
Rant: On the Meaning of Thanksgiving;the full text of a speech given by the Giant Squid to the assembled orphans of Our Lady of Fatima(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: Terminal Note
Poetry: Terminal Note
Fiction: Terminal Note
Rant: Did You See That Thing I Just Did?
Rant: If You Ask Me, When the Women Play Well, It's Like the Most Excellent Jazz Music and You Just Go 'Yeah, Man, Oh, Yeah'
Fiction: Tourist Pet
Fiction: Man Is Hopeless
Fiction: Till Tomorrow
Fiction: Letter From Joshua To Alice
Fiction: The Neb Of A Sexist, Murderous Affair
Fiction: Planet Gaby
Fiction: Prose Poem Fragment In Porn
Rant: Capitalist Pigs Deserve No More Moral Clarity Than the Rest of Us
Rant: NPR Allows Caller to Put His Dick in My Ear, Parts I & II
Rant: A Response: Milton Gray Doesn't Get It (But then again, neither do Rachel Maddow, Tucker Carlson, or Chuck D)
Rant: The Evil Glass-Seller
Poetry: Untouchable
Rant: So You Want To Review Porn Films
Poetry: Farmer's Arms
Fiction: The Tightrope Walker Story
Fiction: Waiting
Poetry: Eros In Wonderland
Poetry: Odysseus Goes Tripping
Poetry: A Last Violent Test of Faith Under Diocletian
Poetry: Hermes
Poetry: Watering the Moon
Poetry: Moving On
Poetry: I Am Not Like You
Poetry: Adios
Rant: Inter Caecos Regnat Strabo (What Am I A Calculator?)
Rant: Directions?
Poetry: Save Your Life
Poetry: Pet
Poetry: Think Tank
Fiction: Though I Sleep In Exile
Poetry: Ten Tradesmen
Poetry: The Axolotls
Poetry: The Hermaphrodite Time
Poetry: The Truth Of Wonder Boy
Poetry: Chakra Blue
Poetry: He Falls Asleep
Poetry: Anywhere But Troy
Poetry: Some Nurses Go Too Far In Room 29
Poetry: Two Poems by Alison Eastley: Aisle Number Eight and Needles And Pins
Poetry: 23 Degrees Of Freedom Isn't Enough
Poetry: The Resting Place
Poetry: One
Fiction: The Hammock
Fiction: Sunday Delivery
Poetry: My Wish
Poetry: Fighting Spirt
Poetry: Quik-Mart Conversation
Fiction: Persavich Twice Over
Rant: Abject Conjecture
Rant: Boy + Girl
Fiction: Stevie
Poetry: When Laughter Was Cheaper
Fiction: Vet Chelsea
Rant: Coochie Blasters! or, Thirteen Ways of Viewing Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation
Rant: The Aristocrats
Poetry: The Beetling Rocks
Poetry: Charon To Make-Up
Poetry: Third In Three Days
Poetry: Stealing the Press
Fiction: The Darkness
Rant: Ask Not
Rant: Ask Not(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: The Woodpecker and Blossom Hit the Road, part 1 of 4
Fiction: The Woodpecker and Blossom Hit the Road, part 2 of 4
Fiction: The Woodpecker and Blossom Hit the Road, part 3 of 4
Fiction: The Woodpecker and Blossom Hit the Road, part 4 of 4
Fiction: How To Take The Hunt Out Of The Hunter
Poetry: Multiple Personality Disorder
Poetry: Seizure
Fiction: 72nd and Wabash, One Block off State Street
Poetry: The Platform
Poetry: Snail
Poetry: Mother Root
Poetry: Just Say No
Poetry: The Wind is a Bellows
Poetry: Wish You Were Here
Poetry: Shotguns from Junkpile Tubes
Poetry: Insomnia
Rant: In the Zone of the Stream
Rant: I Have This Fucked Up New Job
Rant: My New Job Is WAY More Fucked Up Than I Thought
Rant: OK, So I Totally Stepped In It This Time. Totally.
Rant: About This Whole "Ode to the Love's Lost" Thing
Rant: I Have This Fucked Up New Job(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: My New Job Is WAY More Fucked Up Than I Thought(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: I Have This Fucked Up New Job and it's WAY More Fucked Up Than I Thought(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: The Two Corpses (A Russian Folktale)
Fiction: The Dogs Hold an Election (A Native American Folktale)
Poetry: Between States
Rant: Of The Impediments of Knowledge in Handling It by Parts, And in Slipping Off Particular Sciences from the Root and Stock of Universal Knowledge, Being the 8th Chapter, The Whole Chapter.(from Valerius Terminus)
Rant: In the Event of Space Monkey Hyperevolution
Poetry: The Cold Shoulder
Poetry: Eclipse
Poetry: No More Waiting
Poetry: Denial
Poetry: X-ray
Poetry: Hands
Poetry: Shotgun
Poetry: My Poor Sony
Rant: Reality As We Know It(A Poor Mojo's "Worst Possible Cover Letter" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Fiction: The Favorite Pastime
Rant: The Most Depressing Place on Earth
Poetry: Paper Buddha & Some Ice Cubes
Poetry: The One
Rant: If You Come Only Once, You've Been Cheated: A Post-Structuralist Examination of the Hegemony of the "Pure" and "Sordid"[1]
Rant: If You Come Only Once, You've Been Cheated: A Post-Structuralist Examination of the Hegemony of the "Pure" and "Sordid" [1] (a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: If You Come Only Once, You've Been Cheated: A Post-Structuralist Examination of the Hegemony of the "Pure" and "Sordid"(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: Show Your Face
Fiction: from the Witch Lake Reader
Poetry: The Monkey's Raincoat
Rant: The Prize for the Lamest Booty Call I have Endured Goes To . . . (The Poor Mojo's Monstrously Bad Sex Rant Contest WINNER!)
Poetry: Ode to Madeline Lynn Lindsborg-Williams (1952-2005)
Poetry: Baby, Steal the Automobiles Down
Poetry: On Reclaiming Sadness for the Tortured Artist
Rant: How to Write a Popular Play
Poetry: On this Ferris Wheel
Poetry: Moving Boxes
Poetry: Overreaction
Fiction: Apartment on Niagara Street, Buffalo NY
Fiction: Kaspar
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 1-4
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 5-7
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 8 and 9
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 10-12
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapter 13
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 14-16
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 17 and 18
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 19 and 20
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 21 and 22
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapter 23
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 24-26
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 27-29
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 30-32
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 33-35
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 34-37
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 38-41
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 42-44
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 45-46
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 47-49
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 50-53
Fiction: Hall of Famers
Fiction: They're My Arms Now
Poetry: A Marmot in The City
Fiction: Sedgwick Meets Satan (and things are never the same again)
Fiction: The Last Souvenir
Fiction: The Devil Leaves Mrs. Harbison (part 1 of 2)
Fiction: The Devil Leaves Mrs. Harbison (part 2 of 2)
Fiction: At the Carnival
Fiction: Barry
Fiction: Sedgwick Meets Satan (and things are never the same again)(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: The Crispin and How She Learned the Secret of Swabian Leather Tanning, part 1 of 2
Fiction: The Crispin and How She Learned the Secret of Swabian Leather Tanning, part 2 of 2
Rant: The Danger of Dumbing Down
Rant: 30 Seconds Where I Think About Being Alone
Fiction: The Theatre of War
Fiction: Mrs. S
Fiction: Antique Heroin
Fiction: Born Free
Fiction: Edward Witherspoon's Casket Window
Fiction: The Mantel Clock
Fiction: Distributive Economic Techniques
Poetry: Unabashed Dictator of the Last Great Banana Republic
Poetry: King of the Slavs
Fiction: Saint Paulie's Curve
Poetry: Alive and Breathing in Thessaloniki
Fiction: Save the Turtles
Fiction: Save the Turtles
Fiction: From LOLcats to Cake Breaks
Fiction: Mr. Oakley
Rant: The Art of Controversy
Rant: The Gift of Gab
Rant: A Mad World
Rant: Natura Benigna
Fiction: Valuable Advice from Ambrose Bierce
Fiction: More Valuable Advice from Ambrose Bierce
Fiction: The Ingenious Patriot
Fiction: The Catted Anarchist
Fiction: The Sagacious Rat
Fiction: Congress and the People
Fiction: Chickamauga
Fiction: A Baby Tramp
Rant: Cosmology Makeover! (A Poor Mojo's "Worst Possible Cover Letter" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Poetry: A Lobster is a Tree
Fiction: One Day In Summer
Poetry: Hex
Fiction: Vera
Poetry: Half a Dime in the Desert
Poetry: Dean and the Graduated Dinner
Poetry: Above the Urban Study
Poetry: In a Studio on Perkins
Rant: I Am a Bootlicker
Poetry: Come, Masoyiyata, Come
Poetry: Poem Spilling
Fiction: Wild Flames
Fiction: Under The Bridge
Rant: Trials of the Discernible Palate (A Poor Mojo's "The Best Recipe You'd Never Guess" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Poetry: Tetherball : An Explanation
Fiction: I Went to See a Man Named Reggie
Fiction: A Brief Courtship of Tamatra, the Vagina-Free Woman
Fiction: Five Examples of My Work
Fiction: Pizza Guy
Fiction: A Little Something for Your Trouble
Fiction: All the Rage in the World
Fiction: Hubie Siskel Is No Hero
Fiction: Made in USA
Poetry: Paper Tape
Rant: Brittany Mary-Kate and Ashley, We're Coming to Get You
Poetry: Drowning Is Not So Pitiful
Poetry: A Wounded Deer Leaps Highest
Poetry: Whiskey Ne'er Tasted So Sweet(a PMjA Uncovered Classic)
Poetry: The Moon
Poetry: Upon The Gallows Hung A Wretch
Poetry: While I Was Fearing It, It Came
Poetry: Here's To The Gash That Never Heals(a PMjA Uncovered Classic)
Poetry: Hope Is A Subtle Glutton
Poetry: For Each Ecstatic Instant
Rant: Ode to A Large Computer Store Which I Cannot Name
Poetry: To John Norman, Slavemaster of Gor
Poetry: Like Water on Stone
Poetry: The Ink
Fiction: Monsters Are Everywhere
Poetry: Getting Free
Poetry: Thoughts at Evening
Poetry: Inside Boxing
Poetry: O-Saru
Poetry: Curriculum
Poetry: Chuo Sen
Fiction: All in Good Time
Poetry: Four More Years (With You)(a song)
Rant: It's All Jim Lehrer's Fault
Fiction: Arrows of Desire
Rant: Deaf in Venice
Poetry: Discovering Anatomy
Poetry: Talking Myself into Apple Crisp
Fiction: The Birth of Madam Satan
Poetry: Transporter Room
Poetry: Ash Tree
Fiction: The Imitation Fish
Fiction: The Three Little Ragamuffins
Fiction: The Baby's Legs
Fiction: The Cobbler's Children
Fiction: Her Time
Fiction: 1600 Pennsylvania
Fiction: Shuffle Up (And Deal)
Poetry: Grace
Poetry: Football
Fiction: So This Is San Diego
Rant: So, I'm Living in Small-town Middle America Again
Rant: Theoderic, King of the USA
Rant: Traffic
Rant: Boy in Cart
Fiction: The Tales of Indians
Poetry: And There You Have It . . .
Rant: JIM ROME SHOW LOOKING FOR A WRITER (Orange County) (A Poor Mojo's "Worst Possible Cover Letter" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Fiction: To Hell in a Hand Basket
Fiction: Tick-Tock
Fiction: The Golden Key
Fiction: Mutilationist
Poetry: Trash Day
Poetry: Trash Day(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: Interception
Rant: Gender Bending Commercial Memes
Fiction: When Meep Stays
Fiction: So, What's in the Bag?
Rant: Trains
Rant: On John Irving
Rant: The Pleasure of Being Downa thirty-three dollar rant
Rant: Living On the Moon
Rant: Nostalgia
Rant: CrapLongStories.com: where publishing might go, you know, maybe
Rant: Train Baron Appointed Treasury Secretary; Collection Of 19th Century Cliches Now Complete
Rant: With Regards To The Study And The Manufacture Of Art And Literature
Rant: Revenge of the Jedi: Starting to Think About Where Copyright is Getting Us (part 1 of 2)
Rant: Revenge of the Jedi: Starting to Think About Where Copyright is Getting Us (part 2 of 2)
Rant: George W. Bush, Our First Hip-Hop President
Rant: Living On the Moon
Rant: Bad Dreams
Rant: I'm the Exact Same Height as the One-time Democratic Front-Runner; please listen to me because this fact makes me very important
Rant: Becoming an American after Having Been Born One
Rant: Why the "Huffington Report" Can't Work
Rant: Expository
Rant: Things We Need
Rant: Anna Nicole Smith Died of Pneumonia
Rant: A Recipe for Sadness: Why the Jon Stewart/ Chris Matthews Fight Matters for the Obama/Clinton Nomination Fight, and Why It Might Matter for Your Soul
Rant: Make Talk
Rant: The Raid: Is Social Security Being Robbed by Congress?
Poetry: The Flu Ferry
Poetry: Poly Play!a found poem (translated from the German)
Poetry: Stop Working for The Boss I
Poetry: Stop Working for The Boss II
Poetry: The Ghost Ship
Fiction: The Eighth Lines of Stories Never Written
Fiction: The Inspector After the Death of the Great Detective
Fiction: The Spectators
Fiction: Press Conference in an Apple Grove
Fiction: Snorri and Harley go to the Moon
Fiction: Press Conference in an Apple Grove
Fiction: The Beach Event
Fiction: The Eighth Lines of Stories Never Written(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: Press Conference in an Apple Grove(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: Snorri and Harley go to the Moon(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: Drunk Soccer Moms
Poetry: She Who Pushes
Fiction: The Failure of Sainthood among the Damned
Poetry: Landfall
Poetry: Lighting In August
Fiction: Things Got Weird
Fiction: Snake Hunt
Fiction: The Commando-Spy
Poetry: Town of Characters
Fiction: Ping Pang Qiu
Fiction: The High Wire And The Long Drop
Fiction: Laser Hair Removal
Rant: Meet Your Match on Craigslist (A Poor Mojo's Monstrously Bad Sex Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Fiction: Whatsoever Comes After
Poetry: Before Navaronne
Poetry: Alevas Hotel
Poetry: Santa Cruz
Rant: Wit Inspirations Of The "Two-Year-Olds"
Rant: Advice to Little Girls
Rant: The Danger of Lying in Bed
Rant: My Watch: An Instructive Little Tale
Rant: Information Wanted
Rant: The Curious Republic Of Gondour
Rant: A Memory
Rant: How To Tell A Story
Rant: The Great French Duel (part 1 of 2)
Rant: The Great French Duel (part 2 of 2)
Rant: On the Decay of the Art of Lying (part 1 of 2)
Rant: On the Decay of the Art of Lying (part 2 of 2)
Rant: Some Thoughts on the Science of Onanism
Rant: Dan Murphy or The Irish Are Luckless Bastards, and Their Wives Cheap As Hell!
Rant: About Smells
Rant: The Approaching Epidemic
Rant: A Royal Compliment
Rant: Our Precious Lunatic
Rant: The Wounded Soldier
Rant: Last Words of Great Men
Rant: The Invalid's Story
Rant: Introductory to "Memoranda"
Rant: Sold to Satan
Rant: An Introduction to Pedro Carolino's The New Guide of the Conversation in Portuguese and English
Rant: Some Thoughts on the Science of Onanism(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: Susie's Letter from Santa
Rant: The United States of Lyncherdom
Rant: Advice to Youth
Fiction: The Story of the Bad Little Boy
Fiction: The Story of the Good Little Boy
Fiction: The Facts Concerning The Recent Carnival Of Crime In Connecticut (part 1 of 2)
Fiction: The Facts Concerning The Recent Carnival Of Crime In Connecticut (part 2 of 2)
Fiction: The Mistake
Fiction: Ode To The Strong
Fiction: Instead Of
Fiction: Almost Flushed
Fiction: Mr Lipowicz's Liver
Rant: What I Really Want to See On Television
Rant: What I Really Want to See On Television(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior In Company and Conversation: a Book of Etiquette, Abridged
Poetry: The Matter of Molecular Bonds
Rant: Warning: Excessive Use May Result in Loss of Motor Skills
Rant: Feel the Burn
Rant: Why I Am Poor(a realization)
Rant: This Is Not My Beautiful House
Rant: How Not to Write
Fiction: Trump Card (part 1 of 3)
Fiction: Trump Card (part 2 of 3)
Fiction: Trump Card (part 3 of 3)
Poetry: It Takes a Thief to Know a Thief
Rant: Perfect Day
Rant: Electron Band Structure In Germanium, My Ass
Rant: In Praise of Close-Mindedness A Manifesto for the Thoughtful Asshole
Fiction: Scared Womanless
Rant: Hoopla On Frey
Rant: Sorry, Bukowski
Fiction: Illustrated Math Teacher
Fiction: The One-Two
Fiction: The Wreck of the Lizzie G.
Fiction: The Con Job
Fiction: Friday Morning 3 AM
Fiction: Bloody Mystery
Fiction: Seymour the Seasick Seal
Fiction: The Voice
Fiction: Paco in Heaven
Fiction: A.D. 755 From the 1823 translation of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Rant: Never Lie to Mommy
Fiction: Old Man, the Young Boy, and the Boat with the White Sail
Fiction: Toms River
Fiction: Over the Dark Waters of the Vltava
Rant: In Defense of the Hare
Rant: A Rant On Alcoholic Toddlers (A Poor Mojo's "Bad Job, Good Times; Good Job, Bad Times" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Rant: To Anyone Who Has Ever Visited An Amusement Park. Hell, To Anyone Who Has Ever Purchased A Product.
Rant: Dumped by Boyfriend--Selling his Tool
Rant: Pricing Paradigms
Poetry: Remains of the Rain
Fiction: Friend or Enemy?
Fiction: The Night Harold Killed Himself
Rant: To His Wife
Rant: For MFA Candidates: A Warning
Poetry: Trepanation
Rant: A Rebuttal for the "Airborne Fucking Ranger"
Fiction: Two Left of Center
Poetry: President Lincoln Never Wore a Turtleneck Sweater
Poetry: Cyclops
Poetry: Being Tomboys
Poetry: Written
Poetry: Cars Parked at 10th and Allen
Poetry: Aunt Louanda's Pool
Poetry: Actual VSD Telephone Conversation
Rant: You Say Tentacle, I Say Testacle
Rant: Sirkus Andromeda
Rant: Mandrake's Revenge
Poetry: A Very Ugly Australian
Poetry: The Closet
Poetry: So Close
Fiction: Scenes from Being Bill Walton
Rant: Letter from Porlamar: The Tale of John Smith, and the Driving Habits of Venezuelans
Rant: Letter from Juan Griego: On Fishing on Isla Margarita, and the Menace of the Chinese Fishing Fleet
Rant: It's Okay For Me To Be Happy
Poetry: Barbecue
Poetry: Metronome
Fiction: Taking Leave (part 1 of 2)
Fiction: Taking Leave (part 2 of 2)
Fiction: Knowing (part 1 of 2)
Fiction: Knowing (part 2 of 2)
Fiction: Getting Paid
Fiction: Nobody's Dead Yet
Fiction: The Twelfth Step
Fiction: Working Nights
Fiction: Claim
Fiction: A Wide Ass And No Shame
Fiction: Bride For A Day
Fiction: Playing Barbies
Fiction: Jumpin' and Shoutin' and Carryin' On
Fiction: First Love
Fiction: Wading
Fiction: Shattering Crystal
Fiction: Maybe Today
Fiction: Can I Get An Amen?
Fiction: Revolution
Fiction: Angel Wings
Fiction: Getting Paid(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: B.O.B.
Fiction: The Jar
Fiction: Obsidian
Fiction: The Morning After
Fiction: Delacroix
Rant: And for This We Got What? (A Poor Mojo's "My Travel Fiasco" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Rant: The Last Time I Saw bin Laden
Rant: The Last Time I Saw bin Laden(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: The Last Time I Saw bin Laden(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: Ordinary Evening In Dothan
Poetry: Three Poems by Kenneth L. Clark: Aestuum, Remembering Jean Paul, and Friendship, or Bees Of The Invisible
Rant: The Chasm
Rant: Diversity
Rant: A Bucket of Dirt Clods
Poetry: The Second Coming
Poetry: Time Passes And Passing Leaves No Trace
Poetry: Poem In Six Parts
Poetry: My Christmas Wish
Rant: Morning Sickness
Poetry: George W. Bush (An Electoral Elegy Clerihew, runner-up)
Rant: Grappling Hooks for the Socially Isolated
Fiction: The Dream of Miss Sissy N--
Rant: Carpet Bombing the Literary World
Rant: The Search for Wisdom
Rant: Showers of Living Things
Rant: Perhaps Hopping Colts From The Book of the Damned
Rant: By Krakatoa From The Book of the Damned
Rant: Two Bodies from Wild Talents
Fiction: The Giant, the Insect, and the Philanthropic-looking Old Gentlemanpart 1
Fiction: The Giant, the Insect, and the Philanthropic-looking Old Gentlemanpart 2
Poetry: If The Earth Were a Glass Ball
Poetry: If The Earth Were a Glass Ball(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: Dear Mr. Steele (A Poor Mojo's "Worst Possible Cover Letter" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Poetry: Speedway
Poetry: The Dual
Poetry: The Vision After the Sermon
Poetry: Breasts with Red Flowers
Poetry: Caruso Sings Santa Lucia
Poetry: Independence Day, 1984
Poetry: My War with the Robins
Poetry: Gesso (from Mommy, part 1 of 5)
Poetry: Seaman (from Mommy, part 2 of 5)
Poetry: Radio (from Mommy, part 3 of 5)
Poetry: The Ibis (from Mommy, part 4 of 5)
Poetry: The Mask (from Mommy, part 5 of 5)
Poetry: Group-therapist Contemplates Winter Crows
Poetry: Group-therapist Contemplates Dead Songbirds
Poetry: Group-therapist Listens to Water Music
Poetry: Group-therapist dreams of wolves
Fiction: The Remorse of Willy O'Ryan (parts 1, 2, 3 of 6)
Fiction: The Remorse of Willy O'Ryan (part 4 of 6)
Fiction: The Remorse of Willy O'Ryan (part 5 of 6)
Fiction: The Remorse of Willy O'Ryan (part 6 of 6)
Rant: Britney Spears has Big Boobs
Rant: Kill! Kill! Kill! No Mercy For the Masses!
Rant: Voting Is For Suckers
Rant: That Was One Boring Apocalypse
Rant: Finland, Finland Uber Alles
Rant: The Retail Manifesto, part two If the Customer is Always Right, You Can Suck My Cock
Rant: 911 or Gulf Wars Chapter II: America Strikes Back
Fiction: Here
Fiction: Citizen's Arrest
Poetry: The Bankside
Poetry: The Enviolate Three Generations
Fiction: What Pelicans Know of Lemon Tart
Fiction: An Original Performance Art Piece
Fiction: On Parables
Fiction: Cavern Tavern
Fiction: Bellingham's Last Stand
Rant: Born-Again Bathers
Fiction: The Duke's Black Bag
Poetry: "My body's long sorrow; the Lord, the monster, the lonely reaver."
Rant: Political Selections from:THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY (part 1 of 2)
Rant: Political Selections from:THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY (part 2 of 2)
Rant: This I Believe: Profiles in Courageous Americanism, pt 1.Armstrong on the Moon
Rant: Dispatch from a Writer's Retreat in Minnesota
Fiction: Spellman, Bastion of Fine Sartorial Standards
Fiction: The Purple Mai Tai Tiki Lounge
Poetry: Somewhere South Through the Eyes of a Modern Day Explorer
Poetry: We Like Where He Stands
Poetry: Nue Sue Revue
Poetry: Maren
Rant: Diotima, on the subject of love
Fiction: Academic Standards
Rant: The Nastiness Online: A Rant in Conversation
Rant: You Are Bidding On A Mistake
Poetry: Lower Tar and Nicotine
Poetry: Her Space
Poetry: Prior To A Dictator's Flee To Exile
Poetry: Trial
Poetry: Sculpture
Poetry: Epitaph
Poetry: My Father In His Deathbed
Poetry: This Goddamn Society: Christmas 2005
Poetry: The Hieroglyphic Bard
Poetry: Two Poems by Papa Osmubal: Another One of Those Nights and Early Morning. Macau
Poetry: Two Poems by Papa Osmubal: "Rebel vs. Rebel" and "Gourmet's Advice"
Poetry: Leal Senado Square
Poetry: This Goddamn Society: Five Poems by Papa Osmubal
Poetry: A Dadaist In Chung Shan, Guangdong, China
Poetry: Omen
Poetry: Aubade
Poetry: At the PTA Meeting
Poetry: GAGA
Poetry: Three Poems
Fiction: Gopal And The Canaries
Fiction: The Student And The Box
Fiction: The Northern Kingdom: 4 Minute Stories
Fiction: The Firefly And The Mosquito
Fiction: The Wind
Poetry: e e cummings
Poetry: To My Love
Poetry: impermanence on my arm
Fiction: Be A Man
Fiction: The Problem with Tats
Poetry: It Takes A Real Bonbon
Poetry: Salsa
Fiction: Lloyd Gets Free (part 1 of 2)
Fiction: Lloyd Gets Free (part 2 of 2)
Rant: What Happens When You Assume? (An Essay About Watchmen)
Rant: Apple Breaks It Down Old School, Pushes Forward, Screams, Break-Dances And Then Sets Itself On Fire.
Fiction: A Man of Letters
Poetry: All Italian Women Wear Black Dresses
Rant: Girls, Girls, Girls
Rant: Tobacco and Liquor
Fiction: I'll Take Care of You
Poetry: Some LSD Morn'
Rant: Why Do All These Bands Have Numbers in Their Names?
Rant: Why Doesn't Anyone Love Me?
Rant: I Have Precious Little Indie Cred
Rant: Why Doesn't Anyone Love Me?(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: A Faster, More Scalable Afterlife
Fiction: A Faster, More Scalable Afterlife(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: The Shaven Kiwi (A Poor Mojo's "The Best Recipe You'd Never Guess" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Fiction: Sunday with Forbes (part 1 of 2)
Fiction: Sunday with Forbes (part 2 of 2)
Rant: The World Can Keep Going -- I'm Already Off!
Poetry: Lost in the Wonderful World of Delusion . . .
Rant: Now Corporations Claim The "Right To Lie"
Fiction: Blonde and Blue Like the Moon
Rant: Recycled Christmas: One Family's Revolution Against the Shopping Mall
Fiction: Lemonhead
Fiction: Of Pocket Knives, Tackle Boxes and Women in Bathing Suits
Poetry: The Body's Working
Poetry: Moral Dilemmas for the Nascient 57 Year Old
Poetry: Signs that I am at One with the Universe
Fiction: Flight of Fancy
Rant: Wanda's Watching (The Poor Mojo's "Worst Possible Cover Letter" Rant Contest WINNER!)
Rant: A Revised Policy Concerning the Enjoyment of Unseasonably Pleasant Weather, with Caveat
Poetry: Premonition(a song)
Poetry: When My Friends Come Around(a song)
Poetry: Lull-a-Bye(a song)
Rant: Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation: a Book of Etiquette
Rant: The Retail Manifesto, part one
Rant: What I Don't Want for Christmas, or The Johnny Retail Xmas Rant.
Rant: What I Don't Want for Christmas, or The Johnny Retail Xmas Rant
Fiction: Aftermath
Rant: Musings After Overtime at the Porn Factory
Rant: Live Nude Girls
Rant: Operation: Downy Fresh; True Story Of An MP Mission In Iraq
Rant: Roseville is Killing Me
Rant: Is The Right All That's Left?
Fiction: Perilous Play, part 1
Fiction: Perilous Play, part 2
Rant: Fourteen Planes to Chefornak (The Poor Mojo's My Travel Fiasco Rant Contest WINNER!)
Rant: "In The Event Of Moon Disaster" and "In the Event of Space Monkey Hyperevolution"(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: Familiar
Rant: U.S. Bums (A Poor Mojo's "My Travel Fiasco" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Poetry: Love, Death, etc.
Fiction: Pool Party
Fiction: The Mortician's Angels
Fiction: The Tea Party
Rant: What Greatly Displeases Me in the Current Executive Administration
Poetry: Once upon a time
Poetry: National Heroes' Day
Poetry: NASDAQ
Poetry: When Papa Sleeps, Every Night the Same Dream . . .
Poetry: Rue Du Coq D'or, Paris
Poetry: The Summer Of Love
Poetry: The Sultan Of Persuasion
Fiction: Red Berries
Rant: The Despised Pastoral
Rant: Notes On Writing Weird Fiction
Rant: Notes On Writing Weird Fiction
Rant: At the Root
Rant: History of the Necronomicon
Rant: Metrical Regularity
Rant: Shuffle Your Own Damn Papers
Rant: Sympathy
Rant: Hicks' Eulogy
Poetry: A Buried Mine
Poetry: Ira Hayes
Fiction: Truck Stop
Rant: The View From the Top
Rant: Sword of My Mouth: A Review in Conversation
Fiction: Duodenum
Rant: Silence Speaks Volumes
Rant: Page 617 from the Poor Mojo Special Services Exam:Qualification Exam Relevant for Levels X to OP13
Rant: Here's What I Hate About Christmas: Erik Garner Warren is a Jerk
Rant: Page 707 from the Poor Mojo Special Services Exam:Qualification Exam Relevant for Levels X to OP13
Rant: Page 319 from the Poor Mojo Special Services Exam:Qualification Exam Relevant for Levels X to OP13
Rant: Page 321 from the Poor Mojo Special Services Exam:Qualification Exam Relevant for Levels X to OP13
Rant: Poor Mojo is One Year Old!
Rant: What Should be in *Your* Submission?
Rant: A Selection of Christmas Headlines
Rant: PMjA Staff Living Wills
Rant: Why We Aren't Stealing Music
Rant: Page 707 from the Poor Mojo Special Services Exam:Qualification Exam Relevant for Levels X to OP13(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: What Should be in Your Submission?(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: The Dog, the Pussy, the Ass, and the Cock (A Non-Pornographic Folktale)
Fiction: The Pussy And The Cock (A Non-Pornographic Folktale)
Fiction: The Hare and the Tortoise
Rant: A Righteous Proposal
Poetry: Threnody
Poetry: Unhappy Holidays
Fiction: Paper Boy
Fiction: I, Panderer
Rant: Joining The 85% That Don't Survive (A Poor Mojo's "Bad Job, Good Times; Good Job, Bad Times" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Rant: Corn-ered
Rant: Jeff's Last Call
Rant: Feedback
Fiction: Timber!!!
Fiction: The Girl
Poetry: I Used to Rollerblade a Lot
Fiction: Help
Fiction: Driving Self Destruction
Poetry: Requiem for a Shrimp Boat
Fiction: Before Visiting
Fiction: Dancing Lessons (part 1 of 8)
Fiction: Dancing Lessons (part 2 of 8)
Fiction: Dancing Lessons (part 3 of 8)
Fiction: Dancing Lessons (part 4 of 8)
Fiction: Dancing Lessons (part 5 of 8)
Fiction: Dancing Lessons (part 6 of 8)
Fiction: Dancing Lessons (part 7 of 8)
Fiction: Dancing Lessons (part 8 of 8)
Fiction: Saturday Morning on the Way to the Mall
Fiction: Fast Learner
Poetry: Heed
Rant: Nate Crumpley
Fiction: Tart, part 1 of 4
Fiction: Tart, part 2 of 4
Fiction: Tart, part 3 of 4
Fiction: Tart, part 4 of 4
Rant: A Letter on the subject of DAYLIGHT SAVING To THE AUTHORS of The Journal of Paris
Rant: How I Became a Printer in Philadelphia (from his Autobiography)
Rant: Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America
Rant: Information to Those Who Would Remove to America
Rant: Scheme for a New Alphabet and a Reformed Mode of Spelling
Rant: Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One
Rant: Fertility's End
Rant: Ass-hole!(An Anonymous Rant)
Rant: Happy Thanksgiving, Detroit!
Rant: Internet Miracles and Church Camp
Rant: Watchmena movie review
Rant: What Do We Need to Know About James Wenneker Von Brunn?
Rant: Put 'em Together And What Have You Got?
Poetry: George W. Bush (An Electoral Elegy Clerihew, winner)
Fiction: Little Wolff's Wooden Shoes
Poetry: Names for Baby
Poetry: My Devil
Fiction: How to Win a Staring Match with a Building
Rant: Crap World(A Poor Mojo's "Bad Job, Good Times; Good Job, Bad Times" Rant Contest WINNER!)
Rant: Call Me A Romantic
Rant: Breakfast in the Twilight Zone
Fiction: No U's
Poetry: Two Poems by Trey Allan Knarr: Insomnia and The Coffee Exploded
Rant: The Defense of Poesy
Poetry: A Seasonal Poem
Fiction: The Comforts of Woman
Rant: The Idiot's Guide to Attila the Hun
Rant: My Diva Hospitality Demands
Rant: Alchemy
Rant: Meditation on Hell
Poetry: Join
Rant: Over The Transom
Fiction: Countess Tolstoi and Mrs. Nabokov Reminisce in Heaven
Fiction: A Brief Primer on the Grammar of Office
Fiction: A Brief Primer on the Grammar of Office(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: Supposing
Poetry: And That's That
Poetry: And That's That
Rant: Raise the Trophies High!
Rant: My Father is a Convicted Child Molester
Poetry: Naughty Not
Rant: Stop Opposite Sex Marriage
Rant: The Problem of Evil
Rant: The Problem of Communism; or Why It's Bad To Have an MBA as President
Rant: Don't Fear the Reefer
Rant: The Madness of King George
Poetry: This Wants to Be
Rant: Tipped by a Madwoman (A Poor Mojo's "Bad Job, Good Times; Good Job, Bad Times" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Rant: Am I still An Unpatriotic Traitor?
Fiction: Deep Purple Dream
Fiction: Eyes of a Dead Man
Fiction: Inch Lak Flinch
Poetry: Vera
Poetry: Millstone
Fiction: A Disquieting Event Perpetrated on Phillip Marszalek, Gen. Mgr. of a Halston's Pharmacy
Fiction: It Is an Adjustment
Fiction: Gunnar Caspbury's Standing O
Poetry: Why I Am Not a Musician
Poetry: But Who's Counting?
Poetry: For You (After Catullus 1)
Fiction: Collateral Damage
Fiction: Yellow-maned Invaders
Fiction: Lester Gans
Poetry: Dream A Little Dream With Me
Fiction: Five Unfinished Stories about My Ex-Lover
Poetry: Reecho
Fiction: The Motorcyclist
Fiction: Cold Hard Steel
Fiction: Oh Bear-Attack Pamphlet!
Fiction: About Cleaning Maxine's
Rant: On the French and their Friggin ChickensA Letter from a Provencal Kitchen
Rant: Equal Opportunity Offenders; Or, There's No Littlest Defense like a Good Littlest Offense
Poetry: The Necessity for Ruins
Poetry: A New York Fire
Poetry: Egg
Poetry: On Conquering
Poetry: Raven
Rant: The Tale of the Drunk Immigrant in Spain
Rant: Two American Latinas Seeking Adventure in Morocco; What They Found
Rant: On How I Grew Afraid Of Becoming A Raisin In The Sun In The Wintertime Because Of The View From The Balcony
Rant: Hi My Dearie
Poetry: What I learned in AP US History
Rant: Sasquatch Math
Poetry: Replicated
Fiction: The Good-Bye Hyena
Rant: Inaugural Address
Rant: The Flood(A Poor Mojo's Monstrously Bad Sex Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Rant: Just the Facts
Rant: Consider the Poor Locust
Rant: Resemble This
Rant: If I Had My Wife's Legs
Poetry: Tears
Poetry: The Old Man's Last Stand
Fiction: The Hangman's Salon
Poetry: Of Snakes and Pools (two selections from Dryden's translation of Ovid)
Fiction: Harding in Alaska
Rant: Quite Rich
Fiction: Whorehouse
Fiction: Must be Love
Rant: Practical Advice for the Tragic Poet
Fiction: Success
Fiction: Big Enough
Rant: Brittany, We're Coming to Get You
Fiction: Hammurabi's Not So Defunct Law
Rant: Aphids
Fiction: Slip the Bright Lantango!
Fiction: Lexicon Devil
Poetry: Concession Feast
Rant: Silent Shout
Fiction: After The Olympics
Fiction: Black and Mild
Fiction: Christmas Eve at the Petite Bouchette
Rant: Letter From Sudan #1: Arrival (part one)
Rant: Letter From Sudan #1: Arrival (part two)
Rant: Letter From Sudan #1: Arrival (part three)
Fiction: The Dream of Maxen Welig
Rant: Report on Government for Western Territory; March 1, 1784
Poetry: Two Poems by Matt Sutin
Poetry: And We Clean
Poetry: Scotch and Polish
Poetry: What Do Men Want
Fiction: Mother and Daughter
Fiction: The Flounderer
Poetry: Feeling A Little Persecuted
Poetry: Modern Day Politician
Poetry: The Walking Man's Prayer
Poetry: In a Hot Country
Fiction: Bail Bonds
Fiction: Night in a Tree
Rant: Big Mac Rant
Fiction: A Genuine Obstickle
Rant: In The Event Of Moon Disaster
Fiction: Walking Away
Rant: The Next Time I Go To A Sex Toy Party (A Poor Mojo's Monstrously Bad Sex Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Rant: Conversation With An Idiot
Fiction: 12
Poetry: tuesday, three p m
Rant: Feminism as a Resolution to Pornography
Rant: Rebuttal To "The Word 'White'" (March 18, 1854)
Poetry: Lovecraftian Ides of March
Fiction: The Christmas Club
Rant: Briefly, On the Nature of Love and, Thus, Sexuality(a brief selection from Plato's Symposium)
Fiction: White
Fiction: Hollow Edge
Fiction: Polysomnogram
Rant: I Dated a Playboy Playmate
Rant: I Dated a Playboy Playmate (part 1 of 2)
Rant: I Dated a Playboy Playmate (part 2 of 2)
Poetry: The Subject
Poetry: What the Ghost Saw
Poetry: The Garden's Dirty
Fiction: Notes Toward a Unified Philosophy
Fiction: And Still We Fell
Fiction: Her Own Lagoon
Rant: The Day Titanic Drowned
Rant: Assault on Mount Carmel
Poetry: Dillinger, On His Way Into The Movies
Poetry: Nomenclature of Loss (from Seven More Poems the Road Gave Up, part 1 of 7)
Poetry: What If (from Seven More Poems the Road Gave Up, part 2 of 7)
Poetry: Hands (from Seven More Poems the Road Gave Up, part 3 of 7)
Poetry: Displacement (from Seven More Poems the Road Gave Up, part 4 of 7)
Poetry: Survival Camp (from Seven More Poems the Road Gave Up, part 5 of 7)
Poetry: Two Ways of Sitting on A Porch (from Seven More Poems the Road Gave Up, parts 6 & 7 of 7)
Poetry: Dear Madam
Poetry: May 1943, Saturday, Sun Shock
Poetry: Remnants
Poetry: In the Middle
Poetry: Dillinger, On His Way Into The Movies(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: Dillinger, On His Way Into The Movies (a Poor Mojo Classic)
Fiction: The Pearl Necklace
Fiction: The Boy with the Crooked Mouth
Fiction: The Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheese
Fiction: So There I am Painting the House, Two Floors Up
Fiction: A Toast to Skink
Fiction: The Poet and the Half-way House
Fiction: Nine Mile Post
Poetry: Cock Raffle
Fiction: Modus Vivendi
Poetry: Things I Hated
Poetry: Playland
Poetry: Two Poems by Cami Park: Of Angels and Pudding and You Don't Have a Face
Fiction: Little Green Houses
Poetry: Leukemia
Fiction: The Love Letters of Jack Warren and Devon March, part 1
Fiction: The Love Letters of Jack Warren and Devon March, part 2
Fiction: The Love Letters of Jack Warren and Devon March, part 3
Fiction: The Love Letters of Jack Warren and Devon March, part 4
Fiction: The Love Letters of Jack Warren and Devon March, part 5
Fiction: The Love Letters of Jack Warren and Devon March, part 6
Fiction: The Love Letters of Jack Warren and Devon March, part 1(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: The Love Letters of Jack Warren and Devon March, part 2(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: The Love Letters of Jack Warren and Devon March, part 4(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: The Love Letters of Jack Warren and Devon March, part 6(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: End of the Punch Line
Poetry: Meteor Palette
Poetry: Boardinghouse Haiku
Rant: On Cheese: A Filipino Restaurateur Reflects on Law and Order
Fiction: All
Rant: Clitoris: The Anatomical Gerund
Poetry: Atlas and the Hesperides
Poetry: Prufrock's Movie Mania
Poetry: An Argument For Being A Prick or Philosophikal Consolation For A Man With A Small Prick, Big Dreams And An Unfulfilled Wife
Fiction: Lonely Gus Gets Mugged
Fiction: Saul's Dinner Party
Poetry: The Medium and the Message
Fiction: Beastly Numbers
Rant: Toffee Lust (A Poor Mojo's "The Best Recipe You'd Never Guess" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Fiction: Missing Invisible
Poetry: Talking to the Dead on Television
Poetry: Photo Gallery 1983
Poetry: Word Salad
Poetry: Thrill-seeker
Poetry: Dead Alewives
Poetry: Category Five
Poetry: Election Night
Poetry: Cyber-Heartbreak
Poetry: Ann Arbor, 2:00 AM
Fiction: Hoo Doo
Fiction: Come Springing
Poetry: Up to the Heavens
Poetry: A Christmas Story
Poetry: Daring Winter Escape
Fiction: J.D. Salinger's Tobacco Dependency
Rant: Super Sensitive Human Beings
Rant: The Cat Made Me Do It
Fiction: So Be It
Fiction: On Beginnings
Rant: Dunkin Donuts' Contribution to Global Warming
Rant: A Rebuttal for the Nonviolent Liberal
Rant: St. Joeseph and the Fish Flies
Rant: A Rebuttal for A Rebuttal of A Rebuttal . . . i think this has gone too far
Fiction: A Myth About Yes
Poetry: While I Lay Quietly
Fiction: A Comparative Review of Two Michigan Hotels(an unpublished and unexpurgated 2009 article from Great Lake Travel Companion, a quarterly magazine)
Rant: Read This And I Own Your Brain
Rant: Yo-Ho-Ho and a Bottle of Pop-ularity
Rant: By The Time It Reach Hollywood, It's Over
Rant: What You Are
Rant: Tradition and Progress Are Often in Conflict: A Twenty-Minute Practice Essay Suggested by the College Board Writing Service
Rant: Before They Were Famous
Rant: A Pundit In Every Pot-Head
Poetry: The Hoary Hordes of Hoggoth
Poetry: Pre-Natal Limerick
Poetry: Limerick in Education with Certification
Poetry: Sensitive Cavity Limerick Blues
Poetry: Tragic Limericks of Middle Earth
Poetry: Twentieth Century Boy
Fiction: Four Sci-Fi Biographies
Fiction: Mamaskin
Fiction: On the Occasion of Wet Cat
Fiction: The Deer Park
Fiction: Vulnerability of Grass
Rant: Evening the Score When Playing the Race Card
Rant: Killing in the Land of Roseville
Rant: Grief
Rant: The Hash House Harriers of Washington, DC
Rant: Lunch Lady Memoirs
Fiction: The World's Gone Crazy and His Old Lady With It
Poetry: The Undergrinder(after Shel Silverstein)
Rant: Late In October
Rant: The Next Story
Rant: The End of Static
Poetry: The Unknown
Poetry: Glass Box
Rant: Gollahan
Rant: Happily Ever After
Rant: Unholy Eucharist
Fiction: Thursday, Big Spring, Texas
Fiction: So Very Cliché
Rant: We Hate Fun
Poetry: Daddy and Them
Rant: The Slow Drain
Rant: News from the Center of the Ring of Fire
Poetry: Custom-Made
Poetry: Fire Escape
Poetry: The Piece That Fell Off
Poetry: The Very Last Supper
Poetry: Sideways Shot
Poetry: Cysticercosis
Poetry: Unprivate Death Collection
Poetry: Rain
Poetry: Courage
Poetry: You Are My Playground
Poetry: For Colleen Found On Sunday
Rant: No Rules
Poetry: The Hand That Bridges The Gap
Poetry: Armageddon, Marilyn-Style
Poetry: Holiday Poem
Rant: Craigslist Ad
Fiction: Touching Me, Touching You
Fiction: CVS
Fiction: Decay
Rant: In Praise of Bruce Springsteen
Rant: Month to Month
Rant: Casualty
Rant: Tired/Sick
Poetry: Touch
Poetry: Like a Calvin Klein Ad
Poetry: When We Made Love
Poetry: Summer School
Poetry: Clip-Cloppin
Fiction: Tip-Toeing Through My Diary
Fiction: The Chimpanzee Ate My Cookies
Fiction: Elephants and Elvis
Rant: The Feminine Mind
Rant: Women's Intelligence
Rant: The Masculine Bag of Tricks
Rant: Why Women Fail
Rant: The Thing Called Intuition
Rant: The Thing Called Intuition
Rant: How Marriages are Arranged
Rant: Men as Aesthetes
Rant: The Male Beauty
Rant: A Neglected Anniversary
Rant: Last Words: A Short Essay on Democracy
Rant: Chiropractic
Poetry: Icarus Plastique
Poetry: Ginger Snaps
Poetry: Ant People
Poetry: Pig
Rant: Any Country That Calls It Grog Is OK in My Book
Rant: Protocols of the Elders of Sweden
Rant: My Summer Vacation
Rant: My Summer Vacation Redux
Rant: "Pussy Bomb" Latest Threat Says Ashcroft, FBI
Rant: Another Church Shocker: "Fuck It!" Says Resigning Cardinal
Rant: Ruth Handler: Death Of A Tit Man
Rant: Is There A Retard Specialist In the House?
Rant: The New Gender Politics of Draining the Lizard
Rant: I Got My Man-Titties At Krispy Kreme!
Rant: Road Rage
Fiction: The Minnow Files
Fiction: Why I Don't Explain How I Lost My Sweater
Fiction: A Fragment from Raymond Chandler's First Scenario for the Sopranos
Fiction: Hey Baby
Fiction: Tokens of Affection (part 1 of 2)
Fiction: Tokens of Affection (part 2 of 2)
Fiction: An Event In Judea In The Consulates Of Galba And Sulla, In The 787th Year After The Foundation Of Rome
Fiction: The Darkness At The Center Of Everything
Fiction: Acts Of Contrition (part 1 of 2)
Fiction: Acts Of Contrition (part 2 of 2)
Fiction: Crossed Wires (part 1 of 2)
Fiction: Crossed Wires (part 2 of 2)
Fiction: Turing's Graveyard
Fiction: Like Leonardo's Notebooks
Fiction: A Fragment from Raymond Chandler's First Scenario for The Sopranos(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: White Trash Heart
Poetry: Three Pithy Poems
Poetry: Author's Note
Poetry: I Sing the Body Power Outage
Rant: Grinding It Out For High School Kids
Fiction: 17th Century Anarchism
Rant: Gracious Remarks by my Cooking Enthusiast Friend Keith Upon His First Attempt to Make Dinner in my NYC Kitchen
Poetry: Stop
Rant: The Bachelors' Guide to the Care of the Young
Rant: Brilliant Trousers
Rant: Shunned by Polite Society
Rant: On the Meaning of Thanksgiving;the full text of a speech given by the Giant Squid to the assembled orphans of Our Lady of Fatima.
Rant: Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour In Company and Conversation: a Book of Etiquette, Abridged
Poetry: On the Dangers of Contracting Marriage
Fiction: What I Am Telling You When I Tell You of Love
Rant: Stupidity: Its Uses & Abuses
Poetry: Observance
Rant: The Mouth-Breather I Work With Keeps Smelling My Hair
Rant: Just Left There
Fiction: Pool Dreams
Rant: What's With All These Zombies?
Rant: On the Difficulty on Ascertaining Normal and Recognizing Costumes (a field study)a thirty-three dollar rant
Rant: 1001 Uses for a Container
Rant: Remember: In response to Our Anonymous Friend in the Sand's "Death Money Ecstasy."
Rant: The Year in Hate
Rant: Our Superman, Ourselves; my realization upon reading the Superman is a Dick archive
Rant: The Newswire Challenge
Rant: A True Rosa Parks Story, From My Mom
Rant: Industrial Espionage and the World's Greatest Sangria Recipe
Rant: On What It Feels Like To Have A Large-Ish Tumor Cut Out Of Your Back When You Are Awake
Rant: The Creepiest Thing I Ever Saw
Rant: Review: JJ Abrams' Fringe—pilot episode
Rant: Review: Secret Invasion #4 and Captain Britian and MI13 #3
Fiction: The Famous and Talented Horror Author
Fiction: Confessions of a Game Show Terrorist
Fiction: Whispering into the Sky
Rant: Amerikan Spectacle
Fiction: God's Wrath Is A Motherfucker
Rant: Gym Etiquette: For Those Who Don't Know Or Don't Care
Poetry: Bach
Poetry: Coltrane
Poetry: Our Last Sunset
Rant: The Common Reader
Rant: How It Strikes A Contemporary
Rant: How It Strikes A Contemporary
Rant: The Russian Point Of View
Fiction: Ronald Jones Loves
Rant: When Does a Start-Up Stop Starting? (A Poor Mojo's "Bad Job, Good Times; Good Job, Bad Times" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Poetry: The Maldive Shark
Poetry: Animist Youth
Fiction: Coffin Nails
Rant: Confessions of a Hypochondriac
Fiction: Tornado
Fiction: Spelling Bee
Fiction: Stuck Like Glue
Fiction: Asymmetry
Fiction: Dead Redhead
Fiction: How Pam Got A Blue Ribbon And Harvey Got Shot In The Butt
Fiction: It's All in the Timing
Fiction: Finished Too Late
Fiction: Who's the Fairest?
Fiction: The Road to Masonville
Fiction: Short Change
Fiction: Hankerings
Fiction: The Missing String
Fiction: A Troubled Man
Poetry: Almonte Public Library Children's Chess Club
Fiction: Girls Rule The Spaceship
Fiction: The Devil in Manuscript
Fiction: The Maypole of Merry Mount
Fiction: Fire Worship
Fiction: John Inglefield's Thanksgiving
Poetry: Fish Tale
Poetry: Hot Day on the Steps af a Brownstone
Poetry: The Lobster
Rant: Try It Before You Buy It (A Poor Mojo's Monstrously Bad Sex Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Poetry: Christmas Tea
Poetry: Window on April
Poetry: Pumpkins
Poetry: Drowning Noemi
Poetry: Including the Saint Lawrence River
Poetry: Peet's Harbor & Redwood Creek
Poetry: Formal Injunctions On The Worship Of Vicodin
Poetry: A Wiki-Leaked Document On The Status Of The Giant Squid
Rant: Where are the Streams?
Rant: Talking About Reading
Rant: Onyeka Nwelue: A Myth
Poetry: My Story of Love
Fiction: Whiteman's Blood
Rant: Concerning The Latino Community of Zhuzhou, China (A PMjA Dispatch from Abroad)
Rant: Smokestack City (A PMjA Dispatch from Abroad)
Rant: Tianjin Rock City (A PMjA Dispatch from Abroad)
Fiction: The Zigraffian Clock
Poetry: Tussie-Mussie
Poetry: Floret
Poetry: Chaplet
Poetry: Introit
Poetry: Over and Under Dolls
Poetry: Clinquant
Poetry: Birch Bark Creel
Poetry: Little Kirsch Face
Fiction: Leaves of Absence
Rant: Why Not Swashbucklers?
Rant: Big Brother
Rant: Prophylactica? (A Poor Mojo's "My Travel Fiasco" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Rant: Nature Lessons
Rant: Redemption
Fiction: Growing Up
Fiction: Maybe Next Year
Fiction: Surprise!
Fiction: The Browbridge Brothers
Fiction: A Change of Heart
Fiction: Confession of a Stalker
Fiction: A Good Catchphrase
Rant: Squid Of The Union Address
Fiction: A Good Father
Rant: In His Image
Rant: The Penis is an Oppressor
Rant: Love Me Some Death Money Ecstasy
Poetry: Chile in Five Course
Rant: Wacky Iraqi Pinochle
Poetry: Now Entering the Floating City
Poetry: Refrain
Poetry: Secrets in the Floating City
Poetry: Une Semaine de Bonte in the Floating City
Poetry: Nourriture
Poetry: The Baedekker Author Addresses the Floating City
Poetry: Cartography
Poetry: The Master Thief Courts the Public Librarian
Poetry: Trajectory
Poetry: The Dirigible Survior
Poetry: Crucible: The Dirigible Survivor in Love
Poetry: The Canal Digger Tells a Story
Poetry: The Astronomist's Notebook
Fiction: Woven Stories
Rant: Poor Mojo Debates the Presidential Primaries
Fiction: Demonstrating His Love, Oz Battles the Infants
Rant: A Modest Proposalfor preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the publick.
Fiction: A Grisly Start (with Musical Accompaniment)
Rant: The Promise
Rant: Kill the Karaoke Singer
Fiction: It Don't Mean a Thing: Part One
Fiction: It Don't Mean a Thing: Part Two
Fiction: Did You Know Her Name?
Poetry: haiku
Fiction: The Lie
Fiction: Choosing a Path
Fiction: Twilight of the Idols
Poetry: Minivan Crash on I-95
Poetry: Minivan Crash on I-95 (a Poor Mojo Classic)
Fiction: An Unwelcome Warmth
Poetry: November 33
Rant: Scipio's Villa
Poetry: Invalid Geometry
Fiction: The Sound of Going Away: Saturday Evening with Mrs. White
Fiction: Sex Education
Fiction: Fighting Michael Jackson
Fiction: A World in Black and White
Fiction: Evel Knievel and Me
Fiction: Les Brers in A Minor
Fiction: A Christmas Carol for Jim W.
Poetry: Poem 111
Poetry: Poem 16
Poetry: Poem 69
Poetry: Poem 15
Poetry: Birch Street
Poetry: Influences of Light
Poetry: Killing Season
Poetry: This Is Your Dream
Poetry: First Blood
Poetry: I'm Your Field Trip
Fiction: Was Earl
Rant: Acing The Oral Failing the Fucking (A Poor Mojo's Monstrously Bad Sex Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Fiction: Worst That Could Happen
Rant: By Hook or By Cook (A Poor Mojo's "The Best Recipe You'd Never Guess" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Poetry: Animal Crackers
Fiction: The Neighbour
Fiction: A Report to an Academy, part 1 of 2
Fiction: A Report to an Academy, part 2 of 2
Fiction: A Report to an Academy: An Interview with the Ape
Rant: Pop Quiz
Rant: How To Save The World
Rant: They Found The Dog First
Fiction: A Merry Christmas
Fiction: A Dozen Things
Fiction: One Day on Earth
Rant: Presidential Thanks-To-Giving Address, Novembrus 2004
Poetry: DreidelDreidelDreidel(a song)
Rant: The Funeral Oration (Including Sundry Observations of Democracy and Athens)
Rant: Why Free Stuff From The Internet Is A Bad IdeaorWhy Do I Do Stupid Things To Myself?
Fiction: Asthma
Fiction: Introduction
Fiction: The Cinema
Rant: Don't Let Them Kid You, It'll Be Back Next Year.
Fiction: Trying Not To Laugh Out Loud
Fiction: Jeremy And The Lord
Fiction: Are These Your Flip-Flops
Poetry: Lightning Bug
Fiction: Haiku
Rant: How to Write Plain English: A Book for Lawyers and Consumers (an excerpt)
Rant: legitimate beef
Fiction: That Ain't No Star, Baby. That's a Police Helicopter!
Fiction: The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was
Fiction: The Mouse, The Bird, and the Sausage
Poetry: Fleas in the Thatch
Rant: Motion to Stipulate my RIGHT AND DUTY TO LIVE ON THIS EARTH A LONG AND HAPPY LIFE (with Four Wives), and to Stop This Judge Misrepresenting My Fight for Life
Poetry: Sliding into Them
Rant: Dinner Chatter
Fiction: Betrayed by Basil Rathbone
Fiction: Osai's Razor
Fiction: Matsukaze
Fiction: S & M on the L Train
Fiction: Midnight on the M Line
Rant: Batteries
Rant: The Retail Manifesto, part threeNot to Beat a Dead Horse, But Please . . .
Poetry: My Angel
Rant: The Third Book of Occult Philosophy
Rant: Geronimo's Mightiest Battle
Rant: Coming of the White Men
Fiction: In Jeopardy
Fiction: Legs
Fiction: Sweet Youth
Rant: Briefly Regarding the Heuristics of Self and Other and the Ramifications on the Self-Ideation of Economic Personhood: The Parable Of The Copper Pennies
Poetry: Bill Smith
Poetry: I Have A Way Of Guaranteeing
Poetry: The Love Song of Sully Sullenberger
Poetry: Cymbalta Clown
Poetry: Delicate Soil Deep Cheer Soft Blue Heat
Rant: An Argument from the Nonviolent Liberal
Poetry: Por Que
Poetry: Kisses
Poetry: Never to Meet
Poetry: Angry Chickens
Poetry: Lost
Poetry: Behind
Fiction: The New Wine
Rant: G-Strings, Thongs and Panties
Poetry: Unwanted Love Poem
Fiction: Marriage Portrait
Fiction: Letter to the Devil
Fiction: Zombies: A New Perspective
Fiction: Santa Gig
Rant: Open Letter to Anyone Who Gives a Shit About Justice
Poetry: Winter Night Oahu
Rant: Honey I Shrank My Pants
Poetry: Mr. Donner Hallucinates Jesus Speaking From The Last Supper.April, 1847
Rant: Drunken Librarian Hits Fundraiser With Crotch On Fire
Fiction: Crazy Head
Fiction: The Great Outdoors, Adventures In
Fiction: Souls of the Shoes
Poetry: Waiting Room
Fiction: Horse Sense
Rant: Javelina Death Rap
Poetry: My Poetry
Poetry: Canción
Poetry: Spanish Tanka
Poetry: Black Widow
Rant: Your First Job: Try Not to Drown the Patients (A Lesson in Humanity) (A Poor Mojo's "Bad Job, Good Times; Good Job, Bad Times" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Rant: Professor Dingell's Night Out (A Photo-Essay)
Rant: The Terrors of Santa Claus (A Photo-Essay)
Rant: The Finest Machine-Generated Joke Ever
Rant: The Terrors of Santa Claus (A Photo-Essay)(a Poor Mojo's Xmas Classic)
Fiction: Taint or: "Tod" means death in German, the very language of Death
Poetry: Inside a Nuclear Reactor
Rant: For Sale: My Tattoo
Rant: For Sale: My Tattoo(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: White Teeth
Rant: Rasslin'
Fiction: Brendan's Brother
Fiction: One for the Road
Poetry: Ninjas 101
Poetry: Brad Pitt Gets It Done
Poetry: Why M
Rant: Toward a Unified Theory of Touch
Rant: Just a Maryland Moment
Rant: How Can A Man Smoke Without An Ashtray?
Rant: Mistakes Were Made
Rant: Here's What I Hate About Christmas: All the Fucking Gentiles
Rant: Hobbits Liked to Have Books Filled with Things They Already Knew: Reflections on a Post-Soviet Kazakhstan
Rant: Hobbits Liked to Have Books Filled with Things They Already Knew: Further Reflections on a Post-Soviet Kazakhstan
Rant: Diarrhea and the Lord: A Primer
Fiction: This Is Not A Story
Fiction: This Is Not A Story
Rant: The Writer's Life: A Letter From New York City
Poetry: Leaf Treatise
Fiction: Boatful of Vets
Poetry: Exercise IIThe case of the misplaced ace in hand
Rant: My Worst Job Ever: Razing the Rainforest (A Poor Mojo's "Bad Job, Good Times; Good Job, Bad Times" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Poetry: Colorado . . . Blue
Fiction: On Parables(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: San Francisco, California
Poetry: Like Eyes of the Tapster
Poetry: Father
Poetry: Klepto Therapy
Poetry: Chicken Poem
Poetry: The Lilies
Poetry: The Lost Hours
Poetry: The Deck Doesn't Look Good
Poetry: Dirt
Poetry: A Green Monster Grins
Poetry: On the Bus
Poetry: Love on Market Street
Poetry: At the Desk
Poetry: Awakening
Poetry: Christmas
Poetry: The Game
Poetry: My Neighbor
Poetry: Fame
Poetry: Dim Sum
Poetry: Taking the Girl
Poetry: On the West Side
Poetry: On the Floor
Poetry: The Black Dude
Poetry: The Feeling
Poetry: The Hot-Spring Geisha
Poetry: On the Edge
Poetry: At the Henry Darger Exhibit
Poetry: Hanging Out the Window
Poetry: Three Poems by Jonathan Hayes: Territory, One More Thing, and Archeology
Poetry: Two Poems by Jonathan Hayes: The Sadhu Sits and At Technical Support
Poetry: Two Poems by Jonathan Hayes: The Boob Tube and The Bellybutton
Poetry: Conversating Weldon Kees
Poetry: Waking Up, Again
Poetry: The Ashcan's
Poetry: Animal
Poetry: Summer Camp
Poetry: 47 Van Ness
Poetry: Full Morning Drunk
Poetry: That Man at the Bar
Poetry: Klepto Therapy (a Poor Mojo Classic)
Poetry: A Buddhist Monastery in Nova Scotia
Poetry: Us
Poetry: Soft Parade
Poetry: Field Trip
Poetry: ate a slice of pizza
Rant: Lincoln's Last Speech
Poetry: House of Correction
Poetry: House of Correction(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: Memorabilia
Poetry: Proof That Felines and Women Invented the Subconscious
Poetry: Proof That Felines and Women Invented the Subconscious(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: A Man's World
Rant: Flag Day: Schools Should Not Teach Kids To Verbally Fellate Flags(with Addendum)
Poetry: A Poem In The Spanish Style
Fiction: High in the Himalayas
Fiction: Yule in Ancient Norway
Rant: My, Has She Ever Aged Shamefully
Poetry: Saint Cecilia: World Party Telegramvitætion
Rant: A Few Words on Etiquette
Rant: An Opinion On Dreams
Rant: The Philosophy of Furniture
Rant: Some Secrets Of The Magazine Prison-House
Fiction: The Sphinx
Rant: Tallest of Allest
Rant: Sock Puppets
Rant: Alien Cave Woman Sex
Poetry: Space Invaders
Fiction: Jodie's Bunny
Fiction: Class Trip
Fiction: Plan B
Fiction: Caught Out
Fiction: High Tops
Rant: Devil's Night
Poetry: The Grey Cock
Fiction: Till Death Do Us Part
Fiction: Greg Hieronymus' Face is On Fire
Rant: All Us Monsters(a video rant)
Rant: Presidential Shakespeare(a video rant)
Poetry: A Mother's Love
Poetry: Freedom Poem
Rant: The Somnambulists
Rant: The Shrinkage of the Planet
Rant: The Yellow Peril
Rant: These Bones Shall Rise Again
Poetry: We Know This Much
Fiction: Last Round
Fiction: The Surprise Witness
Fiction: Yours Truly
Fiction: Uri
Fiction: Drawings
Fiction: Confession
Poetry: Thief
Poetry: motherfucker
Poetry: Forest
Rant: Butt Floss
Fiction: Photoluminasssence
Fiction: Hairilyzation
Rant: De Thaumaturgia
Rant: The Law of Liberty
Rant: Of Eden and the Sacred Oak
Rant: Black Friday Rules
Fiction: My Pecker
Fiction: And Somewhere in the Horizon is Cuba
Rant: Saudi Deluge
Poetry: My Buddy or First Night Out
Poetry: Those Huge Dark Eyes
Poetry: Heirlooms
Poetry: Trials and Tribulations
Poetry: An Open Apology To All My Friends
Poetry: Thursday, November 11th, 2004 (an Ashley Davenport poem)
Fiction: Passing Time
Poetry: First Sex I Ever Saw
Poetry: In Case Of Toxins, Read Poetry
Poetry: Body Piercing
Poetry: Kneeling Un
Poetry: Admirer
Poetry: Fashion
Poetry: Breaking the Cycle
Poetry: Two Poems by Pete Lee: I am the two Charlton Hestons and Armageddon Pants
Poetry: Here in the Situation Room
Poetry: 1973
Fiction: Baroque? No!
Rant: Here's What I Hate About Christmas: All the Fucking Naysayers.
Rant: Your Librarian Hates You!
Rant: Your Librarian Hates You!(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: Unholy Sonnet #9
Poetry: Unholy Sonnet #18
Poetry: Unholy Sonnet #9(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: My WalMart Issues
Poetry: Cabin Pressure

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