We can return to everything
We don't understand.
Awake (as if you are the one
Here under orange shadows
Cast by the midnight,
Impeccable lines
On a sleeping ceiling
(on resting walls)
Around us.
Breaths match
(awakened and asleep)
Leaving, worrisome,
Need unsure of itself:
Afraid of want.
Will knowledge only come
When we are broken
(these dreams
of trains),
When 'rooms outlast (us).'
So what will become
Of rooms?
My hair rests in my hands
And your book has fallen open
To the page you last read
And have read over a thousand times
While I tread through words.
And now you grow tearful
(And afraid)
So do I.
As I hold you
Under evening's even view,
Your shirt sliding up,
Quietly exposing
Each thread has been spun
And spun
And grown in unknown places
To make this silk
That covers
Your skin.
What will become of this time
(all the unknown)
That lies somewhere
In your eyes
And outside of us
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