You know them?
(don't you)
the ones with
those apathetic eyes
the candy bars in their hands,
the hair tumbling their faces,
the caffeine going straight to their heads.
the ones who hear whizzing through their noses.
those who feel air on their goatees
they push buttons with one fingernail
(page up, insert, ctrl alt del
num lock, /,)
tabbing with utmost skill
Isn't boredom just a tragedy when it masquerades as sincerity?
The Coffee Exploded
and killed two passersby
who were on their way to the
tri-state area strip mall to
gather supplies for a large
wooden ship.
One was wearing a tee shirt
a photo of some flag-wavin homophobic prick
in one hand a plump cigar
the other was cupped
around the zipper of mustard-stained
corduroy trousers
The second passerby was caught
with his fly down reading t.s. eliot and entering loud commas
into high school fiction contests.
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