Let's make execution your wife.
Let's put her on a mattress floating in a river so polluted it's worn out its name. She's autographing the moon like mad, like it won't cost anyone a thing.
Let's make you marry her every day, over and over again.
Let's see you wash those dishes.
Let's watch her microwave a small bowl of sorrow.
Watch her place the ghosts of my caresses into little plastic bags.
Watch her use her cell phone and change a tampon at once.
Watch her eat this stupid camera with a fork and knife.
Watch her like a rabbit's foot.
See even imagination should take its vitamins.
See a little knife is the same as a big knife.
See her chop me off like a haircut.
See inside her garbage.
The heart is a jellyfish that should be painted and shined like a used car.
The heart is the monster in something as simple as a toothbrush.
The heart is a radish made of pure distances.
The heart is a forest ranger with herpes.
The heart is the last fortune cookie on the plate.
It says darkness is still nature.
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