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Pieces by b.

Fiction: Blonde and Blue Like the Moon
Fiction: How to Survive Madmen
Rant: Read This And I Own Your Brain
Rant: Yo-Ho-Ho and a Bottle of Pop-ularity
Rant: By The Time It Reach Hollywood, It's Over
Rant: What You Are
Rant: Tradition and Progress Are Often in Conflict: A Twenty-Minute Practice Essay Suggested by the College Board Writing Service
Rant: Before They Were Famous
Rant: A Pundit In Every Pot-Head
Poetry: The Hoary Hordes of Hoggoth
Poetry: Pre-Natal Limerick
Poetry: Limerick in Education with Certification
Poetry: Sensitive Cavity Limerick Blues
Poetry: Tragic Limericks of Middle Earth
Poetry: Twentieth Century Boy
Fiction: Four Sci-Fi Biographies
Fiction: Mamaskin
Poetry: The Subject
Poetry: What the Ghost Saw
Rant: Fertility's End
Rant: Ass-hole!(An Anonymous Rant)
Rant: Happy Thanksgiving, Detroit!
Rant: Internet Miracles and Church Camp
Rant: Watchmena movie review
Rant: What Do We Need to Know About James Wenneker Von Brunn?
Rant: Put 'em Together And What Have You Got?
Poetry: George W. Bush (An Electoral Elegy Clerihew, winner)
Poetry: Leukemia
Poetry: Paper Buddha & Some Ice Cubes
Poetry: The One
Rant: Happy Holidays from the Carter Compound!
Rant: Happy Holidays from the Carter Compound!(a Poor Mojo's Xmas Classic)
Fiction: Photoluminasssence
Fiction: Hairilyzation
Fiction: Sunday Delivery
Poetry: I'm Your Field Trip
Poetry: We're Having Fun
Poetry: Crawl
Poetry: Stealing the Press
Fiction: Coffin Nails
Fiction: The Morning After
Rant: Javelina Death Rap
Fiction: A Grisly Start (with Musical Accompaniment)
Poetry: NASDAQ
Poetry: When Papa Sleeps, Every Night the Same Dream . . .
Poetry: Rue Du Coq D'or, Paris
Poetry: The Summer Of Love
Poetry: The Sultan Of Persuasion
Rant: An Argument from the Nonviolent Liberal
Rant: Late In October
Rant: The Next Story
Fiction: Be A Man
Fiction: The Problem with Tats
Fiction: Trying Not To Laugh Out Loud
Fiction: Jeremy And The Lord
Rant: The Most Depressing Place on Earth
Poetry: President Lincoln Never Wore a Turtleneck Sweater
Fiction: Crazy Head
Fiction: The Great Outdoors, Adventures In
Rant: Inter Caecos Regnat Strabo (What Am I A Calculator?)
Rant: Directions?
Rant: Ask Not
Rant: Ask Not(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Poetry: Learning to Play Dead
Poetry: The Other World
Rant: The Danger of Dumbing Down
Poetry: Including the Saint Lawrence River
Poetry: Clip-Cloppin
Fiction: Tip-Toeing Through My Diary
Fiction: The Darkness
Rant: Inaugural Address
Fiction: A Certain Message
Rant: The Misunderstood Life of St. Barnaby Stylites
Fiction: The Lie
Fiction: Choosing a Path
Rant: I Have This Fucked Up New Job
Rant: My New Job Is WAY More Fucked Up Than I Thought
Rant: OK, So I Totally Stepped In It This Time. Totally.
Rant: About This Whole "Ode to the Love's Lost" Thing
Rant: I Have This Fucked Up New Job(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: My New Job Is WAY More Fucked Up Than I Thought(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: I Have This Fucked Up New Job and it's WAY More Fucked Up Than I Thought(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: The Two Corpses (A Russian Folktale)
Fiction: The Dogs Hold an Election (A Native American Folktale)
Fiction: On Beginnings
Fiction: Sedgwick Meets Satan (and things are never the same again)
Fiction: The Last Souvenir
Fiction: The Devil Leaves Mrs. Harbison (part 1 of 2)
Fiction: The Devil Leaves Mrs. Harbison (part 2 of 2)
Fiction: At the Carnival
Fiction: Barry
Fiction: Sedgwick Meets Satan (and things are never the same again)(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Fiction: College Life
Poetry: Why M
Fiction: On Parables
Rant: Why Not Swashbucklers?
Rant: Wacky Iraqi Pinochle
Fiction: Saturday Morning on the Way to the Mall
Fiction: Fast Learner
Fiction: On Parables(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: Drunken Librarian Hits Fundraiser With Crotch On Fire
Poetry: The Bankside
Rant: The Evil Glass-Seller
Poetry: Observance
Poetry: Multiple Personality Disorder
Poetry: Seizure
Poetry: The Body's Working
Rant: Stop Opposite Sex Marriage
Fiction: Girls Rule The Spaceship
Poetry: It Takes A Real Bonbon
Fiction: Worst That Could Happen
Rant: Gym Etiquette: For Those Who Don't Know Or Don't Care
Poetry: Bach
Poetry: Coltrane
Fiction: Woven Stories
Poetry: Feeling A Little Persecuted
Poetry: Modern Day Politician
Poetry: The Walking Man's Prayer
Fiction: Interception
Fiction: A Comparative Review of Two Michigan Hotels(an unpublished and unexpurgated 2009 article from Great Lake Travel Companion, a quarterly magazine)
Rant: Shuffle Your Own Damn Papers
Rant: Sympathy
Rant: Dumped by Boyfriend--Selling his Tool
Rant: Squid Of The Union Address
Rant: A Rebuttal for the "Airborne Fucking Ranger"
Poetry: Moral Dilemmas for the Nascient 57 Year Old
Poetry: Signs that I am at One with the Universe
Fiction: J.D. Salinger's Tobacco Dependency
Poetry: A Marmot in The City
Poetry: Three Pithy Poems
Rant: And for This We Got What? (A Poor Mojo's "My Travel Fiasco" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Rant: Of The Impediments of Knowledge in Handling It by Parts, And in Slipping Off Particular Sciences from the Root and Stock of Universal Knowledge, Being the 8th Chapter, The Whole Chapter.(from Valerius Terminus)
Poetry: The Garden's Dirty
Poetry: Speedway
Poetry: The Dual
Poetry: The Vision After the Sermon
Poetry: Breasts with Red Flowers
Poetry: Caruso Sings Santa Lucia
Poetry: Independence Day, 1984
Poetry: My War with the Robins
Poetry: Gesso (from Mommy, part 1 of 5)
Poetry: Seaman (from Mommy, part 2 of 5)
Poetry: Radio (from Mommy, part 3 of 5)
Poetry: The Ibis (from Mommy, part 4 of 5)
Poetry: The Mask (from Mommy, part 5 of 5)
Poetry: Group-therapist Contemplates Winter Crows
Poetry: Group-therapist Contemplates Dead Songbirds
Poetry: Group-therapist Listens to Water Music
Poetry: Group-therapist dreams of wolves
Fiction: The Remorse of Willy O'Ryan (parts 1, 2, 3 of 6)
Fiction: The Remorse of Willy O'Ryan (part 4 of 6)
Fiction: The Remorse of Willy O'Ryan (part 5 of 6)
Fiction: The Remorse of Willy O'Ryan (part 6 of 6)
Poetry: Shotgun
Fiction: The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was
Fiction: The Mouse, The Bird, and the Sausage
Fiction: Apartment on Niagara Street, Buffalo NY
Fiction: Kaspar
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 1-4
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 5-7
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 8 and 9
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 10-12
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapter 13
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 14-16
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 17 and 18
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 19 and 20
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 21 and 22
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapter 23
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 24-26
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 27-29
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 30-32
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 33-35
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 34-37
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 38-41
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 42-44
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 45-46
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 47-49
Fiction: In Wedersen Chapters 50-53
Fiction: Hall of Famers
Fiction: What Pelicans Know of Lemon Tart
Rant: Reality As We Know It(A Poor Mojo's "Worst Possible Cover Letter" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Rant: What Greatly Displeases Me in the Current Executive Administration
Fiction: About Cleaning Maxine's
Poetry: The Second Coming
Rant: Prepare to Read my Awesomeness (A Poor Mojo's "Worst Possible Cover Letter" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Rant: Any Country That Calls It Grog Is OK in My Book
Poetry: I Am Not Like You
Poetry: Adios
Fiction: Bail Bonds
Rant: Sarah's Field
Rant: Mother's Day
Rant: Reynolds and Me
Rant: Cousin Jake
Fiction: Always Be Closing
Poetry: My Poor Sony
Poetry: Christmas Holiday
Rant: You Are Bidding On A Mistake
Rant: U.S. Bums (A Poor Mojo's "My Travel Fiasco" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Poetry: House of Correction
Poetry: House of Correction(a Poor Mojo's Classic)
Rant: Musings After Overtime at the Porn Factory
Rant: Live Nude Girls
Rant: Operation: Downy Fresh; True Story Of An MP Mission In Iraq
Rant: Roseville is Killing Me
Rant: Is The Right All That's Left?
Rant: Batteries
Rant: Alchemy
Rant: Meditation on Hell
Poetry: Join
Rant: About The Game
Poetry: The Bride of Dracula's Gynecologist on Career Day
Poetry: Why Health Insurance Never Covers Her Vagina Dentata
Poetry: The Kama Sutra of the Kraken
Fiction: The Mistake
Fiction: Ode To The Strong
Fiction: Instead Of
Fiction: Almost Flushed
Fiction: And Somewhere in the Horizon is Cuba
Poetry: Some LSD Morn'
Poetry: One
Poetry: DreidelDreidelDreidel(a song)
Poetry: tuesday, three p m
Rant: The World Can Keep Going -- I'm Already Off!
Poetry: Lost in the Wonderful World of Delusion . . .
Poetry: Trepanation
Rant: To His Wife
Poetry: Getting Free
Poetry: Thoughts at Evening
Poetry: Inside Boxing
Poetry: O-Saru
Poetry: Curriculum
Poetry: Chuo Sen
Fiction: All in Good Time
Fiction: Beastly Numbers
Rant: Letter from Porlamar: The Tale of John Smith, and the Driving Habits of Venezuelans
Rant: Letter from Juan Griego: On Fishing on Isla Margarita, and the Menace of the Chinese Fishing Fleet
Rant: Stupidity: Its Uses & Abuses
Poetry: A Very Ugly Australian
Fiction: The Hangman's Salon
Fiction: The Failure of Sainthood among the Damned
Fiction: Trump Card (part 1 of 3)
Fiction: Trump Card (part 2 of 3)
Fiction: Trump Card (part 3 of 3)
Rant: Lincoln's Last Speech
Fiction: S & M on the L Train
Fiction: Midnight on the M Line
Rant: A Rebuttal for the Nonviolent Liberal
Rant: St. Joeseph and the Fish Flies
Rant: A Rebuttal for A Rebuttal of A Rebuttal . . . i think this has gone too far
Poetry: Icarus Plastique
Poetry: Ginger Snaps
Fiction: On the Occasion of Wet Cat
Rant: Black Friday Rules
Fiction: Missing Invisible
Fiction: Lemonhead
Rant: How to Write a Popular Play
Poetry: We Know This Much
Fiction: Duodenum
Rant: Recycled Christmas: One Family's Revolution Against the Shopping Mall
Rant: Meet Your Match on Craigslist (A Poor Mojo's Monstrously Bad Sex Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Rant: Fourteen Planes to Chefornak (The Poor Mojo's My Travel Fiasco Rant Contest WINNER!)
Rant: Just the Facts
Rant: Consider the Poor Locust
Rant: Resemble This
Rant: If I Had My Wife's Legs
Poetry: Tears
Poetry: The Old Man's Last Stand
Poetry: Hot Day on the Steps af a Brownstone
Fiction: The Purple Mai Tai Tiki Lounge
Poetry: White Teeth
Poetry: Remains of the Rain
Rant: Tipped by a Madwoman (A Poor Mojo's "Bad Job, Good Times; Good Job, Bad Times" Rant Contest Notable Entry)
Rant: A Wasted Education And The Rest
Rant: Old School Tie Strangles the Professions
Fiction: Hammurabi's Not So Defunct Law
Fiction: 12
Poetry: Ninjas 101
Poetry: While I Lay Quietly
Poetry: Prior To A Dictator's Flee To Exile
Poetry: Trial
Poetry: Sculpture
Poetry: Epitaph
Poetry: My Father In His Deathbed
Poetry: This Goddamn Society: Christmas 2005
Poetry: The Hieroglyphic Bard
Poetry: Two Poems by Papa Osmubal: Another One of Those Nights and Early Morning. Macau
Poetry: Two Poems by Papa Osmubal: "Rebel vs. Rebel" and "Gourmet's Advice"
Poetry: Leal Senado Square
Poetry: This Goddamn Society: Five Poems by Papa Osmubal
Poetry: A Dadaist In Chung Shan, Guangdong, China
Poetry: Omen
Poetry: Aubade
Poetry: At the PTA Meeting
Poetry: GAGA
Poetry: Three Poems
Fiction: Gopal And The Canaries
Fiction: The Student And The Box
Fiction: The Northern Kingdom: 4 Minute Stories
Fiction: The Firefly And The Mosquito
Fiction: The Wind
Poetry: And There You Have It . . .
Poetry: The Monkey's Raincoat
Fiction: Jack Kerouac's Grave
Fiction: The World's Gone Crazy and His Old Lady With It
Poetry: Stop
Poetry: Ode to Madeline Lynn Lindsborg-Williams (1952-2005)
Poetry: Baby, Steal the Automobiles Down
Poetry: On Reclaiming Sadness for the Tortured Artist
Poetry: Minivan Crash on I-95
Poetry: Minivan Crash on I-95 (a Poor Mojo Classic)
Rant: A Letter on the subject of DAYLIGHT SAVING To THE AUTHORS of The Journal of Paris
Rant: How I Became a Printer in Philadelphia (from his Autobiography)
Rant: Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America
Rant: Information to Those Who Would Remove to America
Rant: Scheme for a New Alphabet and a Reformed Mode of Spelling
Rant: Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One
Fiction: A Good Father
Poetry: A Poem In The Spanish Style
Rant: Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior In Company and Conversation: a Book of Etiquette, Abridged
Rant: The Art of Controversy
Rant: The Gift of Gab
Rant: A Mad World
Rant: Natura Benigna
Fiction: Valuable Advice from Ambrose Bierce
Fiction: More Valuable Advice from Ambrose Bierce
Fiction: The Ingenious Patriot
Fiction: The Catted Anarchist
Fiction: The Sagacious Rat
Fiction: Congress and the People
Fiction: Chickamauga
Fiction: A Baby Tramp
Poetry: Colorado . . . Blue
Fiction: Yellow-maned Invaders
Poetry: Drunk Soccer Moms

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